
The Princeton Capoeira group was started in the Spring of 2002 by Mestre Zumbi. Since then, we have become a hit in the performing arts scene, collaborating with university organizations and other student groups to bring this exciting and culturally rich art form to the students. We have also hosted several cultural events on campus, bringing world renowned Capoeira Masters from Brazil and Europe to Princeton. Our group is currently led by Professor Agulha, a student of Mestre Zumbi, and is affiliated with Grupo Senzala.

Our classes focus on the movements, music, history and culture of Capoeira in a relaxed atmosphere which encourages learning through self expression and social interaction between the students. You can find out more about our classes here.

We are an active part of the Princeton community on and off campus. Aside from regularly scheduled classes for kids and adults, we offer workshops in Capoeira, Brazilian percussion and dance by request. We also offer performances for all occasions. Please contact us for more information.


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Princeton Capoeira